Frequently Asked Questions

By now, you probably realize how drastically marketing and advertising have changed in the last twenty
years. Digital marketing has taken over as the way of the present and future. Think about it, you wouldn’t keep using your flip phone from 2002 in the hopes that it could magically compete with a smartphone. The same concept applies to how you market your business. So what is digital marketing anyway? We're so glad you asked!

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What is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is leveraging social media and the internet to reach more prospective patients faster and easier than ever before. After working with us, you will see how quickly and effortlessly digital marketing can take someone from sitting behind their laptop to sitting in your waiting room.

Why does social media matter?

If you are asking this, you are not alone. Many people use social media to check in with their family and friends, but social media has a much more profitable use than just connecting with old acquaintances. Social media can do just as much for your business life as it does for your social life, if not more! Social media provides many advantages to any business looking to connect with new patients, expand their brand, and make more money. Even if you are not personally on social media, we guarantee that your ideal prospective patients are! Here’s just a few stats to prove it: Facebook has 2 billion monthly users, Instagram has 700 million monthly users, 81% of millennials check
Twitter a least once a day, and YouTube reaches more 18 to 49 year-olds than any cable network in the US. Social media is a way to reach new people and allows businesses the chance to interact with them for free. It also provides a free way to brand your business and spread brand awareness. Advertising on social media networks are what really change the game. A business can launch an ad campaign, select specifically who sees it, and put their ad in front of people ready to buy whatever service they are offering. This is exciting and the results can be astonishing.

What is sEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of ranking a website high on the list of results provided by a search engine. Ultimately, a higher ranking on a search engine for certain keywords yields more visibility and traffic for that website. SEO can sound complicated but it is extremely necessary.

What does it mean CosMar is A "Full Service Agency?"

When saying that CosMar is a full-service digital agency, we mean that we offer multiple digital marketing services bundled together as opposed to just one service. For instance, some agencies just offer SEO so your website ranks well but they don’t offer website design so your website may be left unattractive or unresponsive. The benefit of working with a full-service agency is that the services we provide all work together in harmony and we truly can be your “one stop shop” for all of your digital marketing needs.

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