Our Services

CosMar Solutions specializes in a variety of inbound and outbound marketing services. Listed here are some of the mastered techniques and proven approaches we will use to promote your business success, generate leads, and acquire new patients.

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Website Optimization

Every good plastic surgeon understands that their work must be beautiful and functional. The same goes for a website. You want your website to wow prospective patients and cause them to take action. Think of your website as your storefront. Since patients can’t come in and try on a surgery or procedure, your website must reflect and represent your talent, skill level, and practice. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, your website must work well by being responsive on all platforms and devices. CosMar will make sure your website is as beautiful as your work.

Brand Story &
Reputation Management

The goal of branding is to be different in a good way. This means that it is important to get your name out there and tell your unique story. By doing this, you are accomplishing two things. First, you are connecting to current and prospective patients. Think of the last movie you saw or a classic that is near and dear to your heart. It wasn’t the facts that resonated with you but the story that made it special. Second, telling your unique story and what makes your practice distinct will set you apart from your competitors. Reputation management is also crucial to branding. When managing your business’ reputation, CosMar will make sure that your online reputation is never compromised and only good things are associated with your brand.

Social Media Consulting

Social Media can do more for you than just connect you to your friends and family. Similar to how it boosts your social life, it can also boost your business life. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, and Pinterest can all be used to maximize your business success and brand. Let us help you manage your social media networks, enhance your posts, make your profiles visible to new prospective patients, reach new demographics, and increase your engagement.

Social Media Advertising

Running online ad campaigns is a huge step in the right direction for any and every practice. CosMar has mastered the strategy and execution behind running successful ads on Facebook and Instagram. These ads grab the attention of new prospective audiences based on advanced methods of targeting to turn leads into patients. 

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the lifeblood of any business. It is a great way to promote sales, announce news, and create patient retention. CosMar has proven systems and clever techniques to expand your email list and get prospective patients opting in left and right.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Imagine you dedicate your life’s work to building an exquisite museum. You make the building extravagant beyond belief and employ the latest and greatest architectural strategies. You also make sure that everything inside of the museum is perfectly curated. Now, imagine this museum is in the middle of nowhere with no main roads leading to it and completely absent on GPS. You can understand how this would be a problem. The same thing could happen with your website. How can you get patients and sales if no one can find you? Everyone is familiar with the power and popularity of search engines such as Google. If you have an amazing website but it is nowhere to be found in someone’s search, you could be missing out on a lot of opportunity. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) makes it so that your website ranks high in prospective patients’ searches using keywords and other methods to yield organic traffic and visibility. CosMar will help put you on the map.

Pay Per Click Advertising

While SEO efforts will rank you organically, you can also pay for space on the first page of search engines. Pay Per Click ads are ads that run through Google based on relevant keywords used to direct traffic to your website. These ads can be highly effective when set up and performed the right way. Our Google Adwords experts will make sure this is done correctly in order to maximize your ad-spend, generate leads, and get conversions.

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